Cancer Screening Dermatopathology Preventive Care

The Importance of Skin Pathology

You should have a suspicious looking spot treated before that spot is larger than a pencil eraser, however, it is never too early to schedule a Cancer screening or Full Skin Exam.  Early detection and treatment is crucial and can be life saving.

Dermatopathology is a specialized Pathology of the skin.  We have on staff a licensed Dermatopathologist  that can make a definitive diagnosis based on microscopic observations of your skin tissue. Misdiagnosis of skin cancers and other infectious disorders can be fatal.  Dermatopathologist do not use automated laboratory tests, they make assessments of skin tissue through a microscope in order to provide you with the most accurate and absolute best possible diagnosis.

Early detection of melanoma can be life saving.  The A, B, C, D and E’s of Detecting Melanoma are:

A (Asymmetry) – One half of the spot does not match the other half

B (Border Irregularity) – Notched or ragged edges

C (Color) – Varried shades of tan, black and brown

D (Diameter) – spot is greater than 6 millimeters (the size of a pencil eraser)

E (Evolving) – changes in size, shape, color or symptoms like bleeding, itching and tenderness

Pay extra care to these A, B, C, D and E’s when inspecting your body and make sure to get on a regular schedule with your dermatologist for skin exams and cancer screenings.

Preventive Care

Sunscreen – Top 5 tips

Does your family have a “Sunscreen Police” ?  You know, the person that always remembers, reminds and enforces the rule to be kind to your skin and to protect it from the potentially harmful over exposure to the sun, they are the Sunscreen Police.

“In our family, Grammy is the sunscreen police, she always makes sure that we don’t get burned and that we re-apply if we go into the water.”

Here are our TOP 5 Tips on using sunscreen:

  1. Apply Year Long – Indirect as well as direct exposure to the sun can cause damage.  You don’t have to wait for those beach days to worry about protecting your skin from skin damage.
  2. Missing Spots –  Remember to give care to areas around the eyes, the tip of the nose, the tops of the feet, the lips, and near the hairline and scalp in addition to areas beyond your reach.
  3. Don’t skimp – Apply evenly and frequently.  The higher the SPF number does not mean that it will last longer.
  4. Choose a sunscreen based on  skin type – Your sunscreen could cause you to break out, for sensitive skin, use a fragrance-free type. If you’re acne-prone, look for a light, oil-free formula. For dry skin, choose a hydrating cream with ingredients like glycerin or aloe.
  5. Toss out the old or expired -The FDA says to be mindful of expiration dates— some sunscreen ingredients might become less effective over time.